Blog - Reclaim Labs

Discover the Benefits of CBD Cream for Joint and Muscle Discomfort

Discover the Benefits of CBD Cream for Joint and Muscle Discomfort - Reclaim Labs
Reclaim Labs' 1000mg Nano-CBD Roll-On: Superior Relief for Joint and Muscle Discomfort Reclaim Labs' 1000mg Nanno-CBD roll-on is not your typical ...

Relieve Right Shoulder Pain with CBD Roll-On Products

Relieve Right Shoulder Pain with CBD Roll-On Products - Reclaim Labs
CBD roll-on products are highlighted for their effectiveness in alleviating local pain, offering a targeted and convenient application method. Read all about right shoulder pain, its causes and ways to handle it. We'll also discuss Reclaim Labs' CBD roll-on, in particular, as an option for enhanced pain relief, it's mess free, non-greasy and fast-absorbing solution to joint discomfort.

Living with Arthritis: Tips and Tricks

Living with Arthritis: Tips and Tricks - Reclaim Labs
Living with arthritis can be a daily struggle, but there are ways to alleviate the pain and improve your quality of life. In this blog post, we wil...

Rheumatoid Arthritis vs Osteoarthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis vs Osteoarthritis - Reclaim Labs
Both Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis can cause debilitating pain. But how can you tell if it's one or the other? Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, communalities and differences and how CBD can help. explained.

Managing Chronic Pain While Having Fun - Video Interview

Managing Chronic Pain While Having Fun - Video Interview - Reclaim Labs
How to manage chronic pain while having fun? An interview with the Reactivrehab app's creator, Arthur Sebert. The Reactivrehab app turns physiotherapy into fun games. It's like having a personal physiotherapist in the palm of your hand!

Does CBD Oil Help With Chronic Pain Relief? | Reclaim Labs

Does CBD Oil Help With Chronic Pain Relief? | Reclaim Labs - Reclaim Labs
With an aging population and increasing cases of chronic pain, many are turning to natural solutions like CBD oil. Explore the potential benefits and learn more about how CBD can help in relieving chronic pain.

Withdrawing from Prednisone - side effects and how to taper off Prednisone, and does CBD help with Prednisone withdrawal

Withdrawing from Prednisone - side effects and how to taper off Prednisone, and does CBD help with Prednisone withdrawal - Reclaim Labs
Can CBD help withdrawing from Prednisone? Read how Prednisone works, what are it's side effects that can cause Prednisone withdrawal symptoms and is Prednisone considered and addictive drug.

Video Interview With Dr. Megan - Prednisone Side Effects and How To Counter Those

Video Interview With Dr. Megan - Prednisone Side Effects and How To Counter Those - Reclaim Labs
The goal is to completely get off Prednisone. But what if you are still taking Prednisone and experience its terrible side effects? Is there a way to mitigate those? An interview with Dr. Megan, a 3rd generation pharmacist who created a specialty supplement to counted Prednisone side effects and replenish those nutrients that Prednisone depletes from our bodies.

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis And Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis And Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis - Reclaim Labs

Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis share many of the symptoms, namely chronic, widespread pain. How can you tell if you have Fibromyalgia or Rheumatoid Arthritis? How the diagnosis and treatment of Fibromyalgia differs from that of Rheumatoid Arthritis? Read now.

Blood Tests for Diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis and CBD Help

Blood Tests for Diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis and CBD Help - Reclaim Labs
Blood tests results are a critical indicator when diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis, however, they don't always tell all the picture and additional factors have to be taken into account to accurately diagnose the condition. Learn which blood tests are performed by a rheumatologist to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis and how can CBD help with this condition.

COVID Vaccine and Autoimmune Conditions - to Vaccinate or not

COVID Vaccine and Autoimmune Conditions - to Vaccinate or not - Reclaim Labs

Living with with an autoimmune condition, I had no doubt I'll be getting the COVID vaccine. Here's why...